First slagle Lecture was in 1955: Florence Stattel
Eleanor Clarke Slagle had a vision for
occupational therapy that integrated theory, philosophy, and spirit.
continue her legacy, AOTA established its highest award in Slagle’s honor.
First Lecture in 1955
The first Eleanor Clarke Slagle lecture was awarded in 1955 to Florence Stattel. The lecture took place at AOTA’s 38th Annual Conference in San Francisco on October 25, 1955.
The first lecture encouraged occupational therapy practitioners to search for further knowledge so that the profession can continue to extend its hand to benefit mankind.
“We are all occupational therapists first,
reduced from our specialties by the common denominator, the human being who
needs our help.” Stattel reminded occupational therapy practitioners that, “our
specialty field is related to helping the human being.”
Slagle lecture has been awarded for 62 years and candidates are nominated by
the general AOTA membership.