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Circa 1918. (From left) Louise L. Green, H. Gray, Susan Mills, E. Melcer, L.F.
Hitchcock, and Daphne Dunbar.

of the things made at the base. Many of these articles are made from “salvage.” Circa 1918.


Aides in Occupational Therapy.

shop in occupational therapy section.

in Agriculture Department. Made of various colored seeds.

and typing class for occupational therapy.

Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan. Circa 1919.

Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan. Circa 1919. Reconstruction
Department, teacher of agriculture.

therapy class in “English to Foreign.”

Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan. Circa 1919. Mechanical
Drawing Room; Educational division of occupational therapy.

to Base Hospital.

dress with white pique collar and cuffs. Cap was blue with white band. RA pin
at neck.

Circa 1919. Reconstruction aides. Uniform was a blue cotton dress with white pique collar and cuffs. Cap was blue with white band. RA pin at neck.

long tedious illness of pneumonia (before antibiotics).

1920. Children with active tuberculosis rest on the porch and get some fresh
air and nutrition. Before advent of surgery or medication.

industrial accident patient learns self-care techniques from a Certified
Occupational Therapy Assistant.

is used by the occupational therapist to test responses of patients.

was occupational therapy as carried out in 1919 in a small cottage on the
grounds of the Columbia Hospital in Milwaukee, in a program which eventually
became the well-known Workshop of Milwaukee.

department, Circa 1972. Iowa Methodist Hospital. Jane Spicker, OTR.

and the loom he made. Circa 1919.

Department building. Circa 1919.

(1918-1919) Reconstruction Aides.

Naval Hospital at St. Albans, L.I., N.Y. Here, wounded men of the Navy exercise
injured muscles and find mental relaxation at looms, printing presses, pottery
making and other useful occupations.

Occupational Therapy Department.

L. Pierce, Reconstruction Aide, Jan. 1919 to Jan. 1920.

1920s. Wisconsin State Hospital.

1919. Camp Grant.

1919. Loom and cage made by patients.

Aug. 20, 1919. Reception at the White House for the Reconstruction Aides of
Walter Reed Hospital, given by President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.

the Blocker History of Medicine collections Moody Medical Library at the
University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.

General Hospital #38, Eastview, NY. Circa 1919. Reconstruction Aides in Occupational

June 1919. Reconstruction Aides in top row. Efficient Corps of Army Nurses at
U.S. General Hospital #5, Fort Ontario, NY.

General Hospital #38, Eastview, NY. Circa 1919. Reconstruction Aides in
Occupational Therapy.

General Hospital #38, Eastview, NY. Circa 1919. Ward #7.

Circa 1919.

at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital #68, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Circa 1920.

at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital #68, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Circa 1920.

Minneapolis, Minnesota. Circa 1920.

S.C. Circa 1920-1921.

Public Health Service Hospital #30. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. Circa 1920.

founding meeting for the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational
Therapy (NSPOT) is held at Consolation House in Clifton Springs, NY, on March 15, 1917. Left to
right seated: Susan Cox Johnson, George Edward Barton, Eleanor Clarke Slagle.
Left to right standing: William Rush Dunton, Isabel Gladwin (Newton) Barton,
Thomas Bessell Kidner.